Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Don’t Select Cheap, Always Select Best

Everybody wants to save few bucks if he can save in car insurance. But they do not have proper knowledge. Every insurance company is giving heavy discounts to attract customers. But it does not mean that they are offering you the cheapest car insurance in your area. They just offer discount on their previous prices to increase their sales.

First thing, you will do while choosing car insurance is to decide what you need in your car insurance, when you need to renew to your car insurance. If you have purchased a new car then you will transfer your previous policy to new car by paying some amount. Both of these cannot save your money. This will only charge you more. You cannot get cheap car insurance so easily. You need to do some work. You must follow some steps –

1. Make a list of parts that you need to include in car insurance. Decide what types of insurance is good for your car. You can solve your queries form dealer and from internet.

2. Find the car insurance quotes. You can find these quotes from dealers or from internet. Best way is to get quotes is from internet. This is very easy way. But both have some problems. Internet quotes can provide you wrong info and meeting every dealer is very tiring work.

3. Insurance premiums depend on many factors. If your car is cheap then you do not need comprehensive insurance. Your damage amount covered under insurance is not fully given to you. You have to pay a fixed amount and rest amount will be paid by insurance company. Check all these terms before buying car insurance.

4. You can get discounts in negation of things you do not need in your car insurance. Do not say to dealer at once. It can decrease discount amount that may you can get.

Buying cheap car insurance always cannot be a wise decision. Cheap car insurance does not have all facilities. They may not provide you all add-ons and may pay you less for your damage amount. Services offered by company also matters. Your aim should be to get good car insurance in lower prices. If you will get cheap and good, insurance then only your insurance will be useful. If some company is not providing you car insurance claim then you can complaint about that company or you can go to consumer court. But this becomes very time consuming. So better is to select car insurance from that company that has good customer responses.

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